Dates: Nov 5, 2018
As part of requirements for the flare control devices (40CFR §63.670 “National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum Refineries”), flare owners or operators must demonstrate that their flare achieves a certain percent combustion and/or destruction efficiency and establish a smokeless design basis. With Process Safety Office® v8.4, users are able to estimate the destruction and combustion efficiencies of flaring events. Smokeless design capacity estimate is built into the flame jet and flare model. PSO users now have the added capability to help operators meet emissions compliance seamlessly.
Most computers today are equipped with multiple processors. A processor processing two sets of instructions at the same time is sometimes referred to as a dual-core processor, having two logical processors. High-end desktops may have as many as 32 logical processors. In SuperChems™, you can utilize the maximum computing power available in your computer by the following these easy steps: